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Ellis Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

5/13/2024 MIN

Ellis Elementary School
Communtiy Council Agenda
May 13, 2024 @ 2:45pm

  1. Welcome-Lindsay Wootton
  2. Approve Minutes from March
    1. Motion to approve: Doug Beach
    2. Second: Julie Nelson
  3. 2024-2025 School Improvement Plan discussion
  4. Parent Involvement Night on March 25, 2024 Review
  5. Approved SIP 2024-2025
  6. Work Session on Ellis SCC Bi-Laws (TBD)
    1. Motion to approve: Lindsay Wooton
    2. Second: Julie Nelson
  7. Members for Next Year
    1. Julie Nelson President
    2. Lindsay Wootton
    3. Danielle Stewart
    4. Celeste Zaragosa
  8. Adjournment
  9. Next Meeting Fall 2024 TBD