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Ellis Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

2/14/2022 MIN

Ellis Elementary School
Communtiy Council Minutes
February 14, 2022 @ 2:45pm

  1. Welcome-Katie Nielsen
  2. Approve Minutes from January 10, 2022
    1. Courtney Cochley motioned
    2. Justin DeRose 2nd
  3. Safe Routes to School for New Boundary
    1. Council will look at SNAP
  4. Update on Plan Funds and Allocations
    1. Reviewed actions taken with Trust Land Funds and discussed possible uses for next year as it relates to our goals
  5. Teacher of the Year Selection
    1. Monika Burnside was selected as the Ellis Teacher of the Year
  6. Move to New Ellis
    1. Update on the move was discussed
  7. 2022-2023 School Improvement Plan
    1. March meeting will be set apart for discussion of next year’s School Improvement Plan. Literacy will be a focus.
  8. Parent Involvement Night
    1. Discussion had about how to hold a spring parent involvement night at the new school.
  9. Other
  10. Adjournment
    1. Doug motions
    2. Katie Nielsen 2nds
  11. Next Meeting March 14, 2022 at 2:45pm